

学部 Undergraduate

令和7年度 前学期授業時間割
Class Schedule for First Semester, AY2025-26

令和7年度 後学期授業時間割
Class Schedule for Second Semester, AY2025-26

令和7年度 科目読替表
List of Subject Substitutions, AY2025-26

大学院 Graduate

令和7年度 前学期授業時間割
Class Schedule for First Semester, AY2025-26

令和7年度 後学期授業時間割
Class Schedule for Second Semester, AY2025-26

令和7年度 科目読替表
List of Subject Substitutions, AY2025-26

修士・博士論文/Master’s thesis & Doctoral thesis

 ・Application Guide for Master’s Degree(PDF)
 ・Application for Master’s Degree(Word)

 ・Doctoral course Dissertation application guide(甲)(PDF)

研究計画及び研究指導計画書について/Research Plan & Research Guidance Plan



In the Graduate School of Design, students and their supervisors are expected to have sufficient consultations and meetings to formulate their own Research Plans. The supervisor is to prepare a Research Guidance Plan based on the details discussed with the student.
Please consult with your supervisor to determine which courses you will take each academic year.
In addition, “Research Ethics Education” course must be taken prior to the submission of the Research Plan and Research Guidance Plan.
The Research Plan and Research Guidance Plan forms are sent to your supervisor by e-mail, so please consult with your supervisor to prepare them.

<Submission deadline>
April enrollment:End of May
October enrollment:End of November

  取扱要領    Guidelines   様式(Word)  Format (Word) 

(博士後期課程)研究経過報告書について/Research Progress Report (Only for doctoral students)



Doctoral students are required to make at least one research progress presentation each year, submit a ‘Research Progress Report’ to their supervisor by the prescribed deadline and receive guidance on their research plan for the following year.
On the research progress presentation, students are expected to deliver an oral presentation about their production and research outcomes including their experience in relevant conferences, articles of the academic journals, competitions, etc., and writing proposals. Students who have not presented their work outside of the university should present their research progress in a public presentation on campus attended by several faculty members, students or external researchers.

<Submission deadline>
April enrollment:End of February
October enrollment:End of August

  取扱要項    Guidelines   様式(Word)  Format (Word) 

学生便覧/Student Handbook

休学・復学・退学(Leave of absence, Return to the school and Withdrawal)

※Note : The format changed in June 2024.

休学について 学部 休学願(WORD)大学院 休学願(WORD)休学に必要な書類(PDF)
復学について学部 復学届(WORD)大学院 復学届(WORD)学部 期間途中復学願(WORD)大学院 期間途中復学願(WORD)
退学について学部 退学願(WORD)大学院 退学願(WORD)
Leave of absence01_Application for a Leave of Absence (Undergraduate)02_Application for a Leave of Absence (Graduate)09_Documents Required to Apply for a Leave of Absence
Return to the school03_Notification of Resume Studies (Undergraduate)04_Notification of Resume Studies (Graduate)05_Application to Resume Studies (Undergraduate)06_Application to Resume Studies (Graduate)
Withdraw from the school07_Application for Withdrawal (Undergraduate)08_Application for Withdrawal (Graduate)







Absence from Classes and Examinations


  1. やむを得ない理由で欠席や遅刻をした場合は、その旨を授業科目の担当教員へ直接連絡してください。
  2. 以下の理由により授業等を欠席する場合は、公認欠席として認められます。
    1. 新型インフルエンザなどの感染症(学校保健安全施行規則第18条に規定する感染症)にかかった場合
    2. 新型インフルエンザなどの感染症にかかったおそれがあり、大学から出校停止を指示された場合
    3. 裁判員候補者として裁判所に出向く場合及び裁判員として職務に従事する場合
    4. 2親等以内の親族が死亡した場合(原則として最長1週間とする)
    5. 天災・交通機関の障害による場合必要に応じて提出してもらう書類がありますので、詳しくは教務係で確認してください。なお、上記以外の理由の場合は公認欠席として認められません。
  3. 新型コロナウイルス・インフルエンザにかかった場合は、以下の手続きにより公認欠席の申請ができます。
    1. 学生ポータルにて報告。
    2. 欠席届と診断書類※(コピー・写真可)を提出用フォルダにアップロード。
      ※診療明細書 + 検査結果(陽性反応を示した検査キットの写真も可)
      ※調剤明細書 (季節性インフルエンザに限る)
      ※薬剤情報(薬剤情報提供書) (季節性インフルエンザに限る)
  4. 定期試験における欠席(公認欠席の場合を除く)の場合、定期試験の開始時刻までに芸術工学部学務課教務係(092-553-4418)へ連絡のあった学生については、関係する試験科目等の担当教員へ学務課から連絡を行いますが、試験後については学生が直接担当教員へ連絡を行ってください。

Attendance at classes and regular examinations is checked and managed by the instructor in charge of each subject and is reflected in the assessment. Please note the following

  1.  If students are absent or late for an unavoidable reason, please contact the subject instructor directly. 
  2. Absences from classes, etc. for the following reasons will be recognized as authorized absences. 
    1. When students contract an infectious disease such as a new strain of influenza (infectious disease as defined in Article 18 of the School Health and Safety Law Enforcement Regulations). 
    2. When there is a risk of contracting an infectious disease such as a new type of influenza, the university instructs the students not to attend school. 
    3. When students go to court as a candidate for a judge or when students are engaged in duties as a judge. 
    4. When a relative within the second degree of kinship dies (in principle, for a maximum of one week). 
    5.  In the event of a natural disaster or transportation disruption. 
      Please check with the Academic Affairs Section, Student Affairs Division, for details. Please note that absences for reasons other than those listed above will not be considered authorized absences.
      Students may not be treated as absent from classes but may be required to attend make-up classes or submit reports, etc., as instructed by the instructor. Please note that if students fail to take the examination, a follow-up examination may be given under the instructor’s instructions.
  3. If students have an infectious disease such as influenza, their absence will be excused according to the following procedures. 
    1. If students are suspected of having flu, please get a diagnosis at a medical institution. 
    2. If students are diagnosed with influenza, please contact the Academic Affairs Section, Student Affairs Division (092-553-4418).
    3. Students need to apply for an authorized absence at the Academic Affairs Section of the Student Affairs Division, within 48 hours after the fever has broken. A “Notice of Absence” is required to apply for an authorized absence. Students must submit a “Notice of Absence” form to be considered an authorized absence. 
  4. In the case of absence from regular examinations (except for authorized absences), the Academic Affairs Section, Student Affairs Division, will contact the instructor in charge of the relevant examination subject if the student notifies the Academic Affairs Section, Student Affairs Division (092-553-4418) by the start time of the examination. If the student notifies after the examination, they should contact them directly.


Support for Student with Disabilities



In April 2016, the Law for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities came into effect, making the prohibition of discrimination and special consideration mandatory. The University has established the Committee for the Promotion of Support for Persons with Disabilities in order to support workers as an employer, support students as an educational institution, and support persons with disabilities as a university open to society, and has been considering how to deal with this issue. As of April 1, 2016, the “Regulations on the Promotion of the Elimination of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability at Kyushu University” came into effect and the “Implementation Guidelines for the Promotion of the Elimination of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability” were implemented.

Support for persons with disabilities at the University is handled primarily by the Support Section for Inclusion of the Center for Health Sciences and Counseling.

Flow of Academic Support for Students with Disabilities aftre Enrollment at the School of Design, the Graduate School of Design (PDF)

2020年度入学者用 修得単位チェック表


